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Classic sudoku
Sudoku variants
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Sudoku variants
Easy Variant
Daily league - variant sudoku
Game window v65.0
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Game window v65.0 - resizable
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This week we have these sudoku variants:
10.02.2025 -
11.02.2025 -
12.02.2025 -
13.02.2025 -
14.02.2025 -
15.02.2025 -
16.02.2025 -
You can write your wishes for future variants to our forum:
You can find results of the variants
Today's puzzle:
Sudoku variants released earlier:
01.05.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
02.05.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
03.05.2012 - Windoku
04.05.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
05.05.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
06.05.2012 - Windoku
07.05.2012 - Greater Than
08.05.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
09.05.2012 - Greater Than
10.05.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
11.05.2012 - Diagonal and Windoku
12.05.2012 - Irregular and Consecutive
13.05.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
14.05.2012 - Diagonal and Greater Than
15.05.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
16.05.2012 - Windoku
17.05.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
18.05.2012 - Greater Than
19.05.2012 - Diagonal and Windoku
20.05.2012 - Irregular and Consecutive
21.05.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
22.05.2012 - Windoku
23.05.2012 - Even sudoku
24.05.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
25.05.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
26.05.2012 - Diagonal Odd Sudoku
27.05.2012 - Non-consecutive sudoku
28.05.2012 - Skyscrapers
29.05.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
30.05.2012 - Odd sudoku
31.05.2012 - Quadruple
01.06.2012 - Diagonal Even
02.06.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
03.06.2012 - Windoku
04.06.2012 - Five Pair Sudoku
05.06.2012 - Magic Summer Sudoku
06.06.2012 - Gappy Consecutive Sudoku
07.06.2012 - Alternative Sudoku
08.06.2012 - Arrow Sudoku
09.06.2012 - Quadruple
10.06.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
11.06.2012 - Twin Detector Sudoku
12.06.2012 - Odd sudoku
13.06.2012 - Kropki
14.06.2012 - Thermo Sudoku
15.06.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
16.06.2012 - Even sudoku
17.06.2012 - Mathdoku
18.06.2012 - Skyscrapers
19.06.2012 - Even sudoku
20.06.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
21.06.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
22.06.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
23.06.2012 - Sum Sudoku
24.06.2012 - Non-consecutive sudoku
25.06.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
26.06.2012 - Windoku
27.06.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
28.06.2012 - Greater Than
29.06.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
30.06.2012 - Odd sudoku
01.07.2012 - Sudoku extraregions
02.07.2012 - Diagonal even
03.07.2012 - Mathdoku
04.07.2012 - Kropki
05.07.2012 - Sudoku extraregions
06.07.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
07.07.2012 - Greater Than
08.07.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
09.07.2012 - Quadruple
10.07.2012 - Odd sudoku
11.07.2012 - Diagonal and Windoku
12.07.2012 - Skyscrapers
13.07.2012 - Non-consecutive sudoku
14.07.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
15.07.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
16.07.2012 - The greater
17.07.2012 - Antiknight (to fullfill
18.07.2012 - Even sudoku
19.07.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
20.07.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
21.07.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
22.07.2012 - Outside sums
23.07.2012 - Thermo Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
24.07.2012 - Odd sudoku
25.07.2012 - Non-consecutive sudoku
26.07.2012 - Mathdoku (to fullfill
27.07.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
28.07.2012 - Greater Than
29.07.2012 - Little killer
30.07.2012 - Arrow Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
31.07.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
01.08.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
02.08.2012 - Kropki
03.08.2012 - Thermo Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
04.08.2012 - Even sudoku
05.08.2012 - Skyscrapers
06.08.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
07.08.2012 - Little killer (the competition variant was prepared by player
08.08.2012 - Antiknight
09.08.2012 - Odd sudoku
10.08.2012 - Arrow Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
11.08.2012 - Windoku
12.08.2012 - Non-consecutive sudoku
13.08.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
14.08.2012 - Antiknight
15.08.2012 - Killer sudoku
16.08.2012 - Untouchable
17.08.2012 - Even sudoku
18.08.2012 - Antidiagonal sudoku
19.08.2012 - Little killer (the competition variant was prepared by player
20.08.2012 - Sudoku extraregions
21.08.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
22.08.2012 - More-Less sudoku (to fullfill
23.08.2012 - Greater Than
24.08.2012 - Odd sudoku
25.08.2012 - Killer sudoku
26.08.2012 - Consecutive sudoku
27.08.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
28.08.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
29.08.2012 - Quadruple
30.08.2012 - Twin Detector Sudoku
31.08.2012 - Thermo Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
01.09.2012 - Even sudoku
02.09.2012 - Outside sums
03.09.2012 - Killer sudoku
04.09.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
05.09.2012 - Kropki
06.09.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
07.09.2012 - Windoku
08.09.2012 - Odd sudoku
09.09.2012 - No four in a grow Sudoku
10.09.2012 - Sudoku extraregions
11.09.2012 - Arrow Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
12.09.2012 - Greater Than
13.09.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
14.09.2012 - Windoku
15.09.2012 - Non-consecutive sudoku
16.09.2012 - Even sudoku
17.09.2012 - Renban sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
18.09.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
19.09.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
20.09.2012 - No three in row consecutive sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
21.09.2012 - Quadruple
22.09.2012 - Odd sudoku
23.09.2012 - Antiknight
24.09.2012 - Little killer (the competition variant was prepared by player
25.09.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
26.09.2012 - Skyscrapers
27.09.2012 - Twin Detector Sudoku
28.09.2012 - Sum sudoku
29.09.2012 - Even sudoku
30.09.2012 - Sudoku extraregions
01.10.2012 - Jigsaw sudoku
02.10.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
03.10.2012 - Five Pair Sudoku
04.10.2012 - Killer sudoku
05.10.2012 - Alternative Sudoku
06.10.2012 - Odd sudoku
07.10.2012 - Antidiagonal sudoku
08.10.2012 - Untouchable
09.10.2012 - Diagonal sudoku
10.10.2012 - Palindrome sudoku (to fullfill
11.10.2012 - Antiknight
12.10.2012 - XV sudoku (to fullfill
13.10.2012 - Even sudoku
14.10.2012 - Greater Than Killer (to fullfill
15.10.2012 - Diagonal and Windoku
16.10.2012 - Consecutive Sudoku
17.10.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
18.10.2012 - Jigsaw Sudoku
19.10.2012 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
20.10.2012 - Diagonal Odd Sudoku
21.10.2012 - Mathdoku (to fullfill
22.10.2012 - Disjoint Groups
23.10.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
24.10.2012 - Symmetric Unequal
25.10.2012 - Queens
26.10.2012 - Touchy
27.10.2012 - Sudoku Extraregions
28.10.2012 - Trio Sudoku (to fullfill
29.10.2012 - Little Killer
30.10.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
31.10.2012 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
01.11.2012 - Sequences Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
02.11.2012 - Quadruple
03.11.2012 - Greater Than
04.11.2012 - Odd Sudoku
05.11.2012 - Group Sum Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
06.11.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
07.11.2012 - Jigsaw Sudoku
08.11.2012 - Windoku
09.11.2012 - Pandigital sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
10.11.2012 - Kropki
11.11.2012 - Even Sudoku
12.11.2012 - Untouchable
13.11.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
14.11.2012 - Queens
15.11.2012 - Consecutive sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
16.11.2012 - Antiknight
17.11.2012 - XV Sudoku
18.11.2012 - Odd Sudoku
19.11.2012 - Disjoint Groups
20.11.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
21.11.2012 - Twin Detector Sudoku
22.11.2012 - Outside Sums
23.11.2012 - Kropki (the competition variant was prepared by player
24.11.2012 - Symmetric Unequal
25.11.2012 - Even Sudoku
26.11.2012 - Greater Than
27.11.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
28.11.2012 - Killer Sudoku
29.11.2012 - Jigsaw Sudoku
30.11.2012 - Antidiagonal Sudoku
01.12.2012 - Sudoku Extraregions
02.12.2012 - Odd Sudoku
03.12.2012 - Skyscrapers
04.12.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
05.12.2012 - Fortress Sudoku
06.12.2012 - Little Killer
07.12.2012 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
08.12.2012 - Thermo Sudoku
09.12.2012 - Prime Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
10.12.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
11.12.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
12.12.2012 - Consecutive Sudoku
13.12.2012 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
14.12.2012 - Sum Sudoku
15.12.2012 - Trio Sudoku (to fullfill
16.12.2012 - Alternative Sudoku
17.12.2012 - Antiknight
18.12.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
19.12.2012 - Mathdoku
20.12.2012 - Kropki
21.12.2012 - Fortress Sudoku
22.12.2012 - Greater Than
23.12.2012 - Group Sum Sudoku (to fullfill
24.12.2012 - Jigsaw Sudoku
25.12.2012 - Snowflake (the competition variant was prepared by player
26.12.2012 - Killer Sudoku (to fullfill
27.12.2012 - Greater Than (to fullfill
28.12.2012 - Quadruple
29.12.2012 - Gappy Consecutive Sudoku
30.12.2012 - 3-Cyclic (the competition variant was prepared by player
31.12.2012 - Diagonal Sudoku
01.01.2013 - Renban Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
02.01.2013 - Windoku
03.01.2013 - The Greater
04.01.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
05.01.2013 - Three Different (the competition variant was prepared by player
06.01.2013 - Diagonal Even Sudoku
07.01.2013 - Little Killer (the competition variant was prepared by player
08.01.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
09.01.2013 - Antiknight
10.01.2013 - No three in row consecutive sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
11.01.2013 - Disjoint groups
12.01.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
13.01.2013 - Odd Sudoku
14.01.2013 - Killer Sudoku
(practice on SC9)
15.01.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
16.01.2013 - XV Sudoku
(practice on SC9)
17.01.2013 - Notwo Sudoku
(practice on SC9)
18.01.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku
(practice on SC9)
19.01.2013 - Kropki (to fullfill
20.01.2013 - Even Sudoku
21.01.2013 - Mathdoku
(practice on SC9)
22.01.2013 - The Greater
(practice on SC9)
23.01.2013 - Quadruple
(practice on SC9)
24.01.2013 - Fortress Sudoku
(practice on SC9)
25.01.2013 - Antiknight
(practice on SC9)
26.01.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
27.01.2013 - Odd Sudoku
28.01.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
29.01.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
30.01.2013 - Difference Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
31.01.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
01.02.2013 - Sum Sudoku
02.02.2013 - Skyscrapers
03.02.2013 - Even Sudoku
04.02.2013 - Renban Groups
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
05.02.2013 - Coded Pair
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
06.02.2013 - Repeated Neighbours
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
07.02.2013 - Thermo Sudoku
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
08.02.2013 - Odd Even Frame
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
09.02.2013 - Disjoint Groups
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
10.02.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
(practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
11.02.2013 - Odd Sudoku
12.02.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
13.02.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
14.02.2013 - Order Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
15.02.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
16.02.2013 - Outside Sums
17.02.2013 - Touchy
18.02.2013 - Between 1 and 9
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
19.02.2013 - Equal Sudoku
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
20.02.2013 - Search Nine Sudoku
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
21.02.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
22.02.2013 - X-Sums Sudoku
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
23.02.2013 - Little Killer Killer Sudoku
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
24.02.2013 - Skyscrapers
(practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
25.02.2013 - Even Sudoku
26.02.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
27.02.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku
28.02.2013 - Greater Than
01.03.2013 - Queens
02.03.2013 - Symmetric Unequal
03.03.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
04.03.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
05.03.2013 - Killer Sudoku
06.03.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
07.03.2013 - Diagonal and Windoku
08.03.2013 - Sum Skyscrapers (the competition variant was prepared by player
09.03.2013 - Palindrome Sudoku
10.03.2013 - Odd Sudoku
11.03.2013 - Multiple Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
12.03.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
13.03.2013 - Zigzag Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
14.03.2013 - Untouchable
15.03.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku (to fullfill
Black Tiger's
16.03.2013 - Mathdoku
17.03.2013 - Diagonal Even Sudoku
18.03.2013 - Antiknight
19.03.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
20.03.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
21.03.2013 - Quadruple
22.03.2013 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
23.03.2013 - Five Pair Sudoku
24.03.2013 - Alternative Sudoku
25.03.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
26.03.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
27.03.2013 - Sum Sudoku
28.03.2013 - Fortress Sudoku
29.03.2013 - Little Killer
30.03.2013 - Kropki
31.03.2013 - Odd Sudoku
01.04.2013 - XV Sudoku
02.04.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
03.04.2013 - Greater Than
04.04.2013 - Thermo Sudoku
05.04.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku
06.04.2013 - Diagonal Skyscrapers (the competition variant was prepared by player
07.04.2013 - Even Sudoku
08.04.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
09.04.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
10.04.2013 - Diagonal Skyscrapers (the competition variant was prepared by player
11.04.2013 - The Greater
12.04.2013 - Killer Sudoku
13.04.2013 - Antidiagonal Sudoku
14.04.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
15.04.2013 - Quadruple
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
16.04.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
17.04.2013 - Tennis Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
18.04.2013 - Little Killer
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
19.04.2013 - Thermo Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
20.04.2013 - Renban Groups
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
21.04.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Serbian Round)
22.04.2013 - Odd Sudoku
23.04.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
24.04.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
25.04.2013 - Antiknight
26.04.2013 - Greater Than
27.04.2013 - Windoku
28.04.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku
29.04.2013 - Disjoint Groups
30.04.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
01.05.2013 - Figure sudoku
02.05.2013 - Untouchable
03.05.2013 - Skyscrapers
04.05.2013 - Even Sudoku
05.05.2013 - Notwo Sudoku
06.05.2013 - XV Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
07.05.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
08.05.2013 - Thermo Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
09.05.2013 - Deficit Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
10.05.2013 - Killer Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
11.05.2013 - Surplus Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
12.05.2013 - Palindrome Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — UK Sudoku Championship)
13.05.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
14.05.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
15.05.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
16.05.2013 - Odd Sudoku
17.05.2013 - Outside Sums
18.05.2013 - Mathdoku
19.05.2013 - Queens
20.05.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
21.05.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
22.05.2013 - Thermo Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
23.05.2013 - Dynasty Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
24.05.2013 - Property Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
25.05.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
26.05.2013 - Killer Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — U.S. Sudoku Team Qualifying Test)
27.05.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
28.05.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
29.05.2013 - Windoku
30.05.2013 - Symmetric unequal
31.05.2013 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
01.06.2013 - Odd Sudoku
02.06.2013 - Greater Than
03.06.2013 - Touchy
04.06.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
05.06.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku (to fullfill
Black Tiger's
06.06.2013 - Kropki
07.06.2013 - Alternative Sudoku
08.06.2013 - Even Sudoku
09.06.2013 - Fortress Sudoku (to fullfill
Black Tiger's
10.06.2013 - XV Sudoku
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
11.06.2013 - Antiknight
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
12.06.2013 - Worddoku
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
13.06.2013 - Skyscrapers
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
14.06.2013 - NEWS
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
15.06.2013 - Odd Sudoku
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
16.06.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
(practice on NSC of Czech Republic)
17.06.2013 - Even Sudoku
18.06.2013 - One Digit Unique Solution
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Turkish Round)
19.06.2013 - Odd Tab
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Turkish Round)
20.06.2013 - A or B
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Turkish Round)
21.06.2013 - Antiknight
22.06.2013 - Notwo Sudoku
23.06.2013 - Diagonal Odd Sudoku
24.06.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Italian Round)
25.06.2013 - Killer Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Italian Round)
26.06.2013 - Coast to Coast sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Italian Round)
27.06.2013 - The Big Bang Theory Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Italian Round)
28.06.2013 - 1011 Sudoku
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Italian Round)
29.06.2013 - Kropki
(practice on WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Italian Round)
30.06.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
01.07.2013 - Sum Sudoku
02.07.2013 - Little Killer
03.07.2013 - Untouchable
04.07.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
05.07.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
06.07.2013 - Antidiagonal Sudoku
07.07.2013 - Coded Pair
08.07.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
09.07.2013 - Antiknight
10.07.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
11.07.2013 - Killer Sudoku
12.07.2013 - No four in a grow Sudoku
13.07.2013 - Quadruple
14.07.2013 - Odd Sudoku
15.07.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
16.07.2013 - Kropki (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
17.07.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku (to fullfill
18.07.2013 - 4 as the Basic Operations (the competition variant was prepared by player
19.07.2013 - Bent Diagonal (to fullfill
20.07.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
21.07.2013 - Greater Than
22.07.2013 - Palindrome Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
23.07.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
24.07.2013 - Classic & Jigsaw Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
25.07.2013 - Windoku
26.07.2013 - Killer Sudoku (to fullfill
27.07.2013 - Coast to Coast sudoku (to fullfill
Black Tiger's
28.07.2013 - Even Sudoku
29.07.2013 - Notwo Sudoku
30.07.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
31.07.2013 - Odd Sudoku
01.08.2013 - Antiknight
02.08.2013 - XV Sudoku
03.08.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
04.08.2013 - Even Sudoku
05.08.2013 - Windoku
06.08.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
07.08.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
08.08.2013 - Little Killer
09.08.2013 - Antidiagonal Sudoku (to fullfill
10.08.2013 - Odd Sudoku
11.08.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku
12.08.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
13.08.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
14.08.2013 - Greater Than
15.08.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku
16.08.2013 - Killer Sudoku
17.08.2013 - Even Sudoku
18.08.2013 - Outside Sums
19.08.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
20.08.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
21.08.2013 - Quadruple
22.08.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
23.08.2013 - Skyscrapers
24.08.2013 - Odd Sudoku
25.08.2013 - Fortress Sudoku
26.08.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
27.08.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
28.08.2013 - Even Sudoku
29.08.2013 - Little Killer
30.08.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
31.08.2013 - Odd Sudoku
01.09.2013 - XV Sudoku
02.09.2013 - Diagonally Non-consecutive Sudoku
03.09.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
04.09.2013 - Even Sudoku
05.09.2013 - Disjoint Groups
06.09.2013 - Thermo Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
07.09.2013 - Odd Sudoku
08.09.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
09.09.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
10.09.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
11.09.2013 - Alternative Sudoku
12.09.2013 - Mathdoku
13.09.2013 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
14.09.2013 - Sudoku Pairs
15.09.2013 - Odd Lab
16.09.2013 - Antiknight
(practice on SC10)
17.09.2013 - Disjoint Groups
(practice on SC10)
18.09.2013 - Palindrome Sudoku
(practice on SC10)
19.09.2013 - Killer Sudoku
(practice on SC10)
20.09.2013 - Quadruple
(practice on SC10)
21.09.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
22.09.2013 - Even Sudoku
23.09.2013 - Diagonal Odd Sudoku
24.09.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
25.09.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
26.09.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
27.09.2013 - Pairs
28.09.2013 - Queens
29.09.2013 - Coded Pair
30.09.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
01.10.2013 - Gappy Consecutive Sudoku
(practice on WPF GP finals)
02.10.2013 - Point To Next
(practice on WPF GP finals)
03.10.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
(practice on WPF GP finals)
04.10.2013 - Tennis Sudoku
(practice on WPF GP finals)
05.10.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
(practice on WPF GP finals)
06.10.2013 - Even/Odd Sudoku
(practice on WPF GP finals)
07.10.2013 - Odd Lab
(practice on WPF GP finals)
08.10.2013 - Coast to Coast sudoku
(practice on WPF GP finals)
09.10.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
10.10.2013 - Windoku
11.10.2013 - Outside Sums
12.10.2013 - Disjoint Groups
13.10.2013 - Odd Sudoku
14.10.2013 - Antiknight
15.10.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
16.10.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku
17.10.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
18.10.2013 - Top Heavy Sudoku (to fullfill
19.10.2013 - Untouchable
20.10.2013 - Even Sudoku
21.10.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
22.10.2013 - Windoku
23.10.2013 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
24.10.2013 - Killer Sudoku
25.10.2013 - Greater Than
26.10.2013 - Odd Sudoku
27.10.2013 - Fortress Sudoku
28.10.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
29.10.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
30.10.2013 - Disjoint Groups
31.10.2013 - X-Sums Sudoku
01.11.2013 - Classic & Jigsaw Sudoku
02.11.2013 - Sudoku Extraregions
03.11.2013 - Even Sudoku
04.11.2013 - Little Killer
05.11.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
06.11.2013 - XV Sudoku
07.11.2013 - Untouchable
08.11.2013 - Outside Sums
09.11.2013 - Notwo Sudoku
10.11.2013 - Odd Sudoku
11.11.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
12.11.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
13.11.2013 - Even Sudoku
14.11.2013 - Killer Sudoku
15.11.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
16.11.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
17.11.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku
18.11.2013 - Odd Sudoku
19.11.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
20.11.2013 - Arrow Sudoku
21.11.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
22.11.2013 - Odd Lab
23.11.2013 - Quadruple
24.11.2013 - Even Sudoku
25.11.2013 - Little Killer
26.11.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
27.11.2013 - Antiknight
28.11.2013 - Windoku
29.11.2013 - Queens
30.11.2013 - Palindrome Sudoku
01.12.2013 - Odd Sudoku
02.12.2013 - Untouchable (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
03.12.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
04.12.2013 - Greater Than
05.12.2013 - Jigsaw Killer Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
06.12.2013 - Antiknight
07.12.2013 - Disjoint Groups
08.12.2013 - Even Sudoku
09.12.2013 - XV Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
10.12.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
11.12.2013 - Arrow Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
12.12.2013 - Jigsaw Sudoku
13.12.2013 - Sum Sudoku
14.12.2013 - Consecutive Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
15.12.2013 - Odd Sudoku
16.12.2013 - Greater Than (game canceled)
17.12.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
18.12.2013 - Mirror Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
19.12.2013 - Twin Detector Sudoku
20.12.2013 - Search Nine Sudoku
21.12.2013 - Slot Machine Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
22.12.2013 - Even Sudoku
23.12.2013 - Antiknight
24.12.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
25.12.2013 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
26.12.2013 - Skyscrapers
27.12.2013 - Windoku
28.12.2013 - X-Sums Sudoku
29.12.2013 - Odd Sudoku
30.12.2013 - Queens (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
31.12.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku
01.01.2014 - Palindrome Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
02.01.2014 - Mirror Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
03.01.2014 - Consecutive Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
04.01.2014 - Even Sudoku
05.01.2014 - Number 5, not alive
06.01.2014 - Little Killer
07.01.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
08.01.2014 - Sudoku Extraregions
09.01.2014 - Greater Than
10.01.2014 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
11.01.2014 - XXV Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
12.01.2014 - Odd Sudoku
13.01.2014 - Killer Sudoku
14.01.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
15.01.2014 - Consecutive Sudoku
16.01.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
17.01.2014 - Palindrome Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
18.01.2014 - Renban Groups (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
19.01.2014 - Even Sudoku
20.01.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
21.01.2014 - Quadruple
22.01.2014 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
23.01.2014 - Twin Detector Sudoku
24.01.2014 - Jigsaw Sudoku
25.01.2014 - Fortress Sudoku
26.01.2014 - Odd Sudoku
27.01.2014 - Sum Sudoku
28.01.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
29.01.2014 - Antiknight (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
30.01.2014 - Arrow Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
31.01.2014 - Greater Than (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
01.02.2014 - Kropki (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
02.02.2014 - Even Sudoku
03.02.2014 - Notwo Sudoku
04.02.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
05.02.2014 - XV Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
06.02.2014 - The Greater
07.02.2014 - Mathdoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
08.02.2014 - Antiknight (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
09.02.2014 - Odd Sudoku
10.03.2014 - Greater Than
11.03.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
12.03.2014 - Diagonally Non-consecutive Sudoku
13.03.2014 - Sum Sudoku
14.03.2014 - Thermo Sudoku
15.03.2014 - Even Sudoku
16.03.2014 - Jigsaw Sudoku
17.03.2014 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
18.03.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
19.03.2014 - Antiknight (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
20.03.2014 - Greater Than (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
21.03.2014 - Arrow Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
22.03.2014 - Sudoku Extraregions
23.03.2014 - Odd Sudoku
24.03.2014 - Windoku
25.03.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
26.03.2014 - Classic & Jigsaw Sudoku (to fullfill
27.03.2014 - No Four in a Grow Sudoku
28.03.2014 - Queens
29.03.2014 - Killer Sudoku
30.03.2014 - Even Sudoku
31.03.2014 - Untouchable
01.04.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
02.04.2014 - XV Sudoku
03.04.2014 - Quadruple
04.04.2014 - Sudoku Extraregions
05.04.2014 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
06.04.2014 - Odd Sudoku
07.04.2014 - Toroidal Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
08.04.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
09.04.2014 - Palindrome Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
10.04.2014 - Skyscrapers (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
11.04.2014 - Fortress Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
12.04.2014 - Consecutive Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
Black Tiger
13.04.2014 - Even Sudoku
12.05.2014 - Greater Than
13.05.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku (the competition variant was prepared by player
14.05.2014 - Notwo Sudoku
15.05.2014 - Outside Sums
16.05.2014 - Renban Groups
17.05.2014 - Quadruple
18.05.2014 - Odd Sudoku
02.06.2014 - Jigsaw Sudoku
03.06.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
04.06.2014 - Fortress Sudoku
05.06.2014 - The Greater
06.06.2014 - Search Nine Sudoku
07.06.2014 - Touchy
08.06.2014 - Odd Sudoku
09.06.2014 - Consecutive Sudoku
10.06.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
11.06.2014 - Disjoint Groups
12.06.2014 - Twin Detector Sudoku
13.06.2014 - Pandigital Sudoku (to fullfill
14.06.2014 - Box Sum Sudoku (to fullfill
15.06.2014 - Even Sudoku
16.06.2014 - Antiknight
17.06.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
18.06.2014 - Between 1 and 9
19.06.2014 - Jigsaw Sudoku
20.06.2014 - Little Killer
21.06.2014 - Queens
22.06.2014 - Odd Sudoku
23.06.2014 - XV Sudoku
24.06.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
25.06.2014 - Fifteen (the competition variant was prepared by player
26.06.2014 - Non-consecutive Sudoku
27.06.2014 - Outside Sums
28.06.2014 - Greater Than
29.06.2014 - Even Sudoku
30.06.2014 - Killer Sudoku
01.07.2014 - Diagonal Sudoku
02.07.2014 - Consecutive Sudoku
03.07.2014 - Windoku
04.07.2014 - Sudoku Extraregions
05.07.2014 - Classic & Jigsaw Sudoku
06.07.2014 - Odd Sudoku
Daily league - variant sudoku
Game window v60.0
(it's necessary to be logged in)
Game window v60.0 - resizable
(it's necessary to be logged in)
This week we have these easy sudoku variants:
10.02.2025 -
11.02.2025 -
12.02.2025 -
13.02.2025 -
14.02.2025 -
15.02.2025 -
16.02.2025 -
You can write your wishes for future variants to our forum:
You can find results of the variants
Today's puzzle: