You are definitely high-strung what it will be like and you haven’t had an opportunity to meet the system and its essentials, so we’ve decided to help you and prepared a test-tournament with classical puzzles only.
We would like to thank our friendly FED sudoku, server whose authors allowed us to use some puzzles from their archives.
From lifting the password you will have20 minutes to solve and send the solutions.
This test-tournament expires at 8:00 pm (GMT + 1 hour) on January 14, 2009.
The rules are the same as those valid for sudokucup 2009. You can learn more in the Rules section.
We also prepared some information and references they can help you, they are at the Instruction section.
The PDF assignment file with the password is at this address.
The file has 630 kB.
The file contains 5 classical puzzles of various difficulty, its point classification is as follows:
At the beginning of the test puzzle booklet there is an introduction page and the page with the list of puzzles, so if you want to save paper, you can leave it out at printing.
The test-tournament is prepared with modified design and if there are some problems with printing, let us know here, please. We also appreciate positive response, especially in case of printing improvements.
To participate in the test-tournament it is necessary to lift the password. You can find it at the Password section.
In each puzzle there are marked lines and columns that must be sent. The process of sending is described and explained at the Rules section.
Complete the lines/columns in the ready-made form at the submission of the solution.
Disregard the names of particular puzzles in the ready-made form (Classical, Multi, …) considering the fact they are test puzzles and enter your answers into five first answer boxes. (That’s why you have to enter 3 answers for the 2nd puzzle).
Please be tolerant with possible disadvantages because it is the test-tournament and we want to debug them in this way.
We hope the results of the test-tournament will be before the beginning of the Sudokucup. All the information relating to the test-tournament is in this message. Do not try to look for them anywhere else, there are only information relating to the sudokucup.
Enjoy your play!
Sorry, not yet. We have had a lot of work to do on the main competition...
Results of test-tournament
Are there any results of test-tournament?
But if you want to pick up the password, you have to push the button called "I want to start playing sudokucup" so I hope, it´s understandable.
If you don´t push it, you can watch whole sites without any fear you´ll lost time.
This test-tournament was really necessary. I clicked on all links and studied the text and then I saw that the password was available in one link. But then 10 minutes were already gone.
I hope to make it better in the main tournament.
It´s a good idea, we will see what we can do. Because we are using some predefined form and it could take some time to insert a new button there.
This is a good warm-up for the upcoming Sudokucup. Thank you for passing it along. I feel better about submissions now that I have tried the site out.
I have a question: Can we have the "Submit Answers" button appear both at the top and bottom of the submission page? It is possible we may be working on, say, problem #1 as our last attempted puzzle, but we will still have to scroll down to submit our answers for sure. I think it is a good idea, and if it is not too much work, would be a welcome change to the page.
I´m so sorry, there was some mistake. Now you already could visit the page with password.