Sudokucup 9 - booklet in Persian

Admin's picture

I'd like to inform you that there was published the Booklet in Persian


r3b3ka7's picture

thanx dear mahyar

thanx dear mahyar

Admin's picture

Arabic version

Dear Mohamad,
I'm so sorry but Persian version is great work made by players.
Sudokucup site is able to arrange for you English, Czech version and sometimes we are also able to prepare other languages but it depends on other players who are able to help us.

So I'm not able to prepare Arabic version of SC9.


Need Arabic Version


I'm Mohamad Abosaleh from United Arab Emirates (UAE),

Is it possible for you to translate the booklet in Arabic?

I can't understand some of the rules, I think this will be usefull.

thank you.

alidah's picture


hi thanks alot to mr.mahyar .i beleave that he is the king of sudoku in iran.i hope he could be one of the first winner of this competition Smile