very nice competition
thank you
It is no problem. I was just wondering what is the status.
No there wasn't... I'm waiting on response from Mr. Koudelka about the details about the next CSC (Czech Sudoku Championship).
I hope you'll understand it...
Was there any e-mail sent regarding the participation at the CSC (Czech Sudoku Championship)?
I completely agree with Ziti - thumb up to both Kodyn (Karel) for organization and Thomas for very nice problems. There are also a lot of volunteers who helped and they deserve the credit for all their work. I think this is a great concept and the next sudokucup is always slightly better than the previous one (even though SC1 was already very good). It is unfortunate that there are people who have some complex and need to cheat - this is for fun and an interesting way to see how the other people do in solving the same problems at the same time. Thanks again and looking forward to SC4.
You can find them in the left menu => Results => Official results...
We're working on it because there are some cheaters...
are the results out, where can we see it
When can people expect a mail if they are in top 40?
There will be 40 players asked via email, if they like to participate on our National sudoku championship in Brno on 27th-28th of March 2010.
Many thanks to Thomas and Karel for putting together such a fun competition. I know a lot of work goes into it and it seems to have run very smoothly with good puzzles and very few website issues. Thanks so much!
Also, thank you for getting the Results compiled so quickly!
I am curious -- what does "Qualif." mean on the results page?
I would like to thank the authors for very nice problems - great job!!!
When do you plan to post the Master Solution. I would like to check my solution that I finished after the two hours limit.
Any plans for Sudokucup3?
We are glad, that you like it :o)