Competition puzzles

If you want to take part in the sudokucup competition, read through the following chapters, please:

The important information:
The competition will be open from 12:00:00 on February 21, 2014 (GMT + 1 hour) to 23:59:59 on February 24, 2014 (GMT + 1 hour)

You will be given 90 minutes from lifting the password to solve the puzzles

You can download the Competition puzzles here:
Sudoku - Competition puzzles (172 kB) The competition in sudoku is already over!

Save the puzzles into your computer. Click the right button and save /save as

The competition will be open from 12:00:00 on November 28, 2014 (GMT + 1 hour) to 23:59:59 on December 1, 2014 (GMT + 1 hour)

You will be given 120 minutes from lifting the password to solve the puzzles

Here you can find the style of Answering keys:
How to answer (pdf - 86kB)

You can download the Competition puzzles here:
Puzzle - Competition puzzles (172 kB)

Save the puzzles into your computer. Click the right button and save /save as

Adobe Acrobat

Sudoku Competition puzzles were prepared by Jakub Ondroušek (tested by Thomas Snyder).
Puzzle Competition puzzles were prepared by Zoltán Horváth and Pál Madarassy (tested by Jan Novotný, Wei-Hwa Huang, Peter Hudák, Štefan Gašpár).
