Dear friends,
We would like to apologize for an inconvenience. Because of some technical problems we wouldn't be able to assure a smooth process of SC5, so we've decided to open the competition a week later.
It's obvious you were looking forward to this competition, that's why we are offering you one of the tasks as compensation.
Thank you for your understanding
The competition is held on 5 - 6 February 2011.
On behalf of organizers
thank you very much!
I'am looking forward to Saturday! CO
Competition puzzles
Thank you very much. Best regards. CO
Competition puzzles are not available yet.
I'll put the file on the server at Friday in the evening... It has only 120 kB, co there's no problem with it... It will be PDF file with password, so you don't need it before midnight
The booklet in German will be published today, so the competition puzzles will be prepared also in German
Competition Puzzles for SC 5
Please can you tell me where I can find the file with competition puzzles for Saturday SC5. Will there be a file also in German?
Thank you very much. Best regards. CO
I'm so sorry, it's not public yet... I hope I'll be able to put it here at least tomorrow...
So the booklet is out :o)
You can find it here: Practice puzzles
Booklet SC5
I'm so sorry, it's not public yet... I hope I'll be able to put it here at least tomorrow...
Where can I find the practice for SC5?
I see the introduction for SC5. It seems you can find the practice at the beinging of Jan. But I can not find it. Where can I find the practice for SC5? thanks.
Not hard but fun to solve. A
Not hard but fun to solve. A very satisfying apology, I'd say.
PS : A bit sad; I heard that one had found several solutions but I could get no more than one. I guess I have progress to do... :p
Coded sudoku - how to solve (manual)
Sudoku fans from China were so good that they have prepared a manual how to solve this type of puzzle...
I hope, you'll like it!

Coded sudoku
Coded sudoku
I checked solutions several times and didn't see the mistake ...
Sorry !
Nice grid !!
I have solved it once again, and it's correct... But you're right, by this type of sudoku is very easy to make a mistake
Coded sudoku
Oh sorry, forget my previous comment, it was a little mistake at the end of solving
I checked solutions several times and didn't see the mistake ...
Sorry !
Nice grid !!
Coded sudoku
I'm not sure, but I don't think so...
Can you send these solutions to me via email please?
Coded sudoku
I think "coded sudoku" has 2 solutions
However I am happy that SC5 occur soon