
Fresh announcements about the
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Points awarded to the competition puzzles of Sudokucup 10 (sudoku + puzzles)

The competition is coming and you must be curious about the points awarded to particular puzzles.
The following table shows you how many points are given to them.
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Sudokucup 10 - news and changes!

We have added 1 day to the competition because you've asked us to make the time window longer due to more competitions. So to competition end will be on 23:59:59 on September 23, 2013 (GMT + 1 hour).

New version of the Sudoku Booklet! (v.01 - updated 18.09.2013 23:09)!
There are small changes by puzzle Number? Place?. And puzzle 15 has number clues inside the grid which were missing there before.

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Czech Republic Sudoku Teams and the Czech Republic Puzzle Teams Championships - published puzzles

Dear players,
we've published puzzles from Czech Republic Sudoku Teams and the Czech Republic Puzzle Teams Championships.

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Sudokucup 10 - Puzzle Booklet available!

Dear players,
English version of Puzzle booklet is now available!

Invite your friends to play SudokuCup 10 too!

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Sudokucup 10 - Sudoku Booklet available!

Dear players,
English version of Sudoku booklet is now available!

Invite your friends to play SudokuCup 10 too!

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International Sudoku Day 9/9

Dear players,
9/9 is an International Sudoku Day so we wish happy International Sudoku Day to all of you!

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The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen (3. 9. 2013) - puzzle inserted

Dear players,

I'd like to inform you that the missing puzzle is now available and you can play today's puzzle in The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen. There is Poker Sudoku by Sina Hedayati prepared.

Good luck and I wish you lots of fun with solving!

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The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen (26. 8. 2013) - game canceled

Dear players!
We'd like to apologize to you but unfortunately Alternative Sudoku doesn't have unique solution and because of it this variant was canceled. Thank you for understanding.


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Realtime challenges - developing phase (video)

Just a little video from the developing phase of realtime challenges Smile I hope you will be able to test it soon Wink

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The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen (10. 8. 2013) - puzzle inserted

Dear players,

I'd like to inform you that the missing puzzle is now available and you can play today's puzzle in The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen. There is Quad Sum Sudoku by Sumet Juariyamark prepared.

Good luck and I wish you lots of fun with solving!

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