HALAS league - 9th tournament (26.-29.10.2012)

The ninth HALAS league tournament consists of 2 rounds of sudoku and 2 rounds of puzzles.
This competition has the same format like Sudokucups! So you'll need a printer!

The schedule of the competition is following:

  • 1 round of sudoku - 90 minutes
  • 2 round of sudoku - 90 minutes


  • 1 round of puzzles - 90 minutes
  • 2 round of puzzles - 90 minutes

If you want to take part in the sudokucup competition, read through the following chapters, please:

The important information:

  • The competition will be open from 12:00:00 on October 26, 2012 (GMT + 2 hour) to 23:59:59 on October 29, 2012 (GMT + 1 hour)
  • You will be given 90 minutes on each round from lifting the password to solve the puzzles

You can solve every round separately!

Here you can download the practice puzzles:
Booklet_v02 (278kB) - corrected 26.10.2012 - 11:00 GMT+2
Submitting_Instructions.pdf (170kB)
How_to_solve_Penrose.pdf (140kB)
Hier können Sie die Übungsaufgaben herunterladen: (German version)
Booklet_DE_v01 (278kB) - corrected 26.10.2012 - 11:00 GMT+2
B_Antworten_DE.pdf (170kB)
/sites/default/files/Penrose_1.jpg /sites/default/files/Penrose_2.jpg /sites/default/files/Penrose_3.jpg

You can download the Competition puzzles here:
1st round of sudoku (92 kB)
2nd round of sudoku (959 kB)
1st round of puzzles (119 kB)
2nd round of puzzles (116 kB)

You can download the solutions of the puzzles here:
Solutions (204 kB)

Save the puzzles into your computer. Click the right button and save /save as

Adobe Acrobat

Competition puzzles were prepared by
Sudoku - Jan Novotný;
Puzzles - Jan Novotný.