If you want to take part in the sudokucup competition, read through the following chapters, please:
The important information:
The competition will be open from 12:00:00 on October 17, 2014 (GMT + 2 hour) to 23:59:59 on October 21, 2014 (GMT + 2 hour)
You will be given 60 + 120 minutes from lifting the password to solve the puzzles
You can download the Competition puzzles here:
Save the puzzles into your computer. Click the right button and save /save as
You will be given 90 minutes from lifting the password to solve the puzzles
You can download the Competition puzzles here:
Competition puzzles (203 kB)
Save the puzzles into your computer. Click the right button and save /save as
Sudoku Competition puzzles were prepared by Jan Novotný.
Puzzle Competition puzzles were prepared by Jiří Hrdina.