Official Result List of SC9

These are the official results of the ninth Sudokucup tournament. You can sort these results by points, time, WPF GP or by country. Please if you're participant of WPF Sudoku Grand Prix on-line inform us about it in your PROFILE. Column WPF GP shows if you have the check button Participant of WPF GP checked in your profile.

# Name Country Nick 1 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Points Sent Ok Time WPF GP
1.Eliška Hrdá Czech Rep.Eli-1-----3--11--------------153300:49:56
2.Karin Waibel Germanyblondie1711111137----------------339900:50:23
3.Przemysław PolandSancho_81-11111137-11--------------279900:51:00
4.aakash patil Indiaaakash---------------------17---171100:53:50
5.Maja Gribajcevic Bosniapcelicamaja-----------------18-------181100:57:07
6.Lauri Takk Estoniadriv4r17------37-----15----------424400:57:14
7.D.M Lee Korea, Southlegolaslee171111113-----------------268800:58:08
8.Timea Dolanová Czech Rep.timejka_001111113-----------------98700:58:34
9.Rossend Spainrprats-1111110-----------------67600:58:44
10.cristina silva Portugalsolaguazul-111111------------------66600:59:17
11.Adam Skowroński Polandadames72-1111113-----------------97701:01:35
12.Stephen Beck USAsbeck-111111---11---15--18-------509901:03:09
13.Karol Tavač SlovakiaKarol Tavac-1111113--------------16--258801:04:23
14.Suzanne Lee Judd USASuzanneLeeJudd01111113-----------------98701:05:09
15.Jozef Kaprál SlovakiaCoach-111111-7-1114-------------389901:06:17
16.Michał Kaczmarczyk Polandmik011111137----------------169801:09:02
17.Ali Iranali567175-11111137-11--------------279901:09:03
18.Keith Schreiber USAkaschr-----------------18-1011----393301:10:13
19.Prakhar Gupta Indiadp_94-01111137-1114-------100----50121001:12:09
20.Liz Eagar USAjochiwon1711111037----------------329801:12:56
# Name Country Nick 1 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Points Sent Ok Time WPF GP